Dating A Single Mom
Dating a single mom isn’t easy. Their schedule is crazy. Dates get canceled last minute. Often the other person gets put on the back burner.
Calls and texts go unanswered for hours at a time. It’s difficult to get a single mom to sit down, breathe, and relax because a thousand things are going on in her mind.
But you claimed you were ready for that. At least, that’s what you told me in the beginning.
The Beginning
I was nervous when we met; everyone views single moms a bit differently, especially when they’re young, and especially when it comes to dating. I’ve gotten loads of reactions I’d rather never experience again. But you? You just smiled and asked questions about my little one and seemed to be okay with it.
As a single mom I warned you about my hectic schedule. I warned you about where my priorities were. And you said you could handle it. You said as long as you could get me alone for 5 minutes even if it’s just once a week you would be happy.
As A Single Mom Its Hard To Trust ?
I believed you, but as a single mom, I should have known better.
I’m not upset at you. I don’t hate you. I get it.
You tried to compete to be number 1 on my priority list, after repeatedly being told you could never be number 1. That’s hard.
My Priorities As A Single Mom Are My Children
You got upset over the canceled dates I warned you of. And rarely being able to find an overnight sitter was an issue for you. You couldn’t comprehend why I wouldn’t just let you stay with me.
Trust me, I understand. I enjoyed our time together. I’m not easy to date. It’s really hard to love and be loved when my heart walks around outside my body and calls me mommy.
Good Luck On Your Dating Search
I hope you find what you’re looking for, but it just won’t be me. And I’m okay with that. I am a single mom. And I have rules if you want to date me. Meanwhile, I have someone who cuddles me every night and loves me unconditionally already.