You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I never want you to ever forget that your beautiful face saves my life every single day.
You are the biggest cheerleader for everything I do.
Some days I feel like I’m not the greatest mom, and for that, I am so sorry. There’s been so many mornings where I cannot even use the little bit of energy that I have to get out of bed in the mornings.
I’m sorry for the mornings that you pour your own glass of milk. I look at the spills on the counter and hurt even more, knowing that I should have been there to pour that for you.
I can never make up for the missed soccer games, holiday parties at school, and field trips.
It hurt my heart to see a picture in a text of that gap in your mouth when you lost that first tooth. I should have been there, but I wasn’t.
I’m sorry for the late nights when I come home from work and I miss giving you a kiss and tucking your sweet soul into bed.
Please know that I always kiss your cheeks as you sleep. And whisper ‘I love you to the moon and back’ into your ear, and thank the high heavens for your existence in my life every single night.
One day we will be far away from this. One day we will reach the top of that mountain. We will be able to look back and remember the long and heavy days that helped us succeed.
Me and you. And you and me. My baby, you are the reason I’m able to breathe and have hope for tomorrow.
I am so sorry that right now my work and school are such a high priority in our lives. Soon we will never have to worry about it ever again.
These struggles will one day be a distant memory for us. But I never want you to completely forget these days.
I never want you to forget that we journeyed through the odds stacked against us.
And you should never forget where we came from.
I never want you to ever take anything for granted. Because we could have so easily given up.
And I cannot wait for the rest of our lives. We will get there.
I promise!