I have zero mom friends and I’m okay with that.
Being a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) is not for the faint of heart. Being a mom, period is not for the faint of heart. But imagine living in a world where you can just “mom-it-up” your own way without dirty looks or eye rolls from other mothers, GASP.
The presumption that you have to be perfect is bad enough, the little cliques that are now forming amongst these 30+ year old women that want to bash any mama who isn’t breast feeding or using all plant based diapers need to stop. The judgement is real enough in this messed up world.
I went to the grocery store with my 3 year old, and right at the check out line I gave him a candy bar because he was very well behaved that day and I wanted to reward him (because that’s what a good parent does, right? Praise their good behavior) and seconds later this women behind me decided to scold me on how irresponsible I was for letting my young son eat that “poison”.
OK KAREN, lets calm down a bit. I’m not feeding my kid the souls of every person in this building, it’s a candy bar. Relax karen. Why don’t you go ask to speak to someone’s manager some place else.
No I do not breast feed. Tried it with both of my boys. Nips could NOT hang and guess what? Switching to bottles made zero difference. Not in the slightest.
Yes I let them cry it out and guess what? They’re both still alive…SHOCKER.
And if my 3 year old wants to eat chicken nuggets for breakfast, lunch and dinner guess what’s on the menu? SUUURPRISEEEEE! It’s not a big deal.
A SAHM Stay At Home Mom isn’t supposed to be the indestructible, faultless, human being.
We run on no sleep. We clean up butts every single day of our lives. Bumble nums, if you don’t know what that is don’t bother looking it up because it will just take over you and your children’s lives UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE.
Date nights? Listening to what you want on the radio? Pooping with the door closed? Not a reality.
Children are blessings but they also ruin literally everything (nervous laughter.)
The last thing we moms need is to pass judgement on one another. Because you know what?
We birthed these monsters who love us unconditionally. Life itself is hard. So instead of giving that lady in line with a cart full of kids screaming the evil eye, how about a comforting nod, because she already has enough on her plate. We all do.
The one thing that makes it a little better, is a friend. Being a SAHM Stay At Home Mom is better when shared.
Read my other article about my endometriosis