They were absolutely right, it’s amazing. Being a mom is the best job on the planet, and there’s nothing more rewarding.
But the one thing they forgot to mention, though, was all of the little things I’d miss. All the mommy bloggers and Pinterest perfectionists make it look so cute and easy…but there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff they don’t cover.
Cue dream sequence.
Ideally, you thought you would wake up, have your coffee while smiling as your kiddos play quietly on the floor. You make them a well-rounded breakfast with fresh squeezed OJ. Take them to some fun mommy-and-me class, bake something healthy for them to snack on, and then feed them a delicious kale salad for lunch.
You would put them snugly in their beds for nap time and then clean the house in peace. Craft with them when they wake and create a masterpiece to hang on the fridge and then make dinner while they sit at the table reading their flash cards. Have dinner on the table when daddy arrives home and then go for a nice family walk.
Take them home and read exactly 2 books and then tuck them in as they fall soundly asleep. Mommy time. Mud mask, take down your perfectly coiffed hair and apply oil treatment made from a pin you saw earlier, a nice hot shower, mind-blowing sex with daddy and then a good night’s sleep.
End scene.