With summer happening and all that’s going on in the world, being a mom is tough right now. Not that we aren’t up for the task or don’t love the title or the job itself. But let’s face it, being a mom 24/7 can be draining and wear on you if proper alone time isn’t allocated.
We all need to learn to take a deep breath, step back and reevaluate our lives and take care of ourselves. Just remind ourselves of our self-worth without the noise of being a mom.
Here are a few ideas of what to do once you find a way to situate the kids with dad, a grandparent or sitter and have time for just you:
Log out of EVERY form of social media for a day. See how much more productive you are and what things around you that you notice without the constant distraction of notifications. Stop comparing your quality of life with those of strangers. Pick up a book, watch a movie, or God forbid, have an actual conversation with another human!
Today it is entirely too easy to just sit inside as a stationary lump in society living vicariously through other people’s lives and posts online. Get off your ass and do something outdoors! Even if it’s to walk around the corner to a store, wander around in your own yard or ride your bike somewhere. Go do, what other people are posting about!