Being the only girl with two bigger brothers can be intimidating.
But let me tell you something, you put them in their place when it is needed.
You are still a baby. You still have so much living and learning to do. But being your mom has taught me a lot within just a year of you being born.
Here are some promises I promise to keep as you grow up to be an even better version of myself:
1. You will never have to question your decisions. Whatever you want to do with your life, you will never have question your choices. Whether it is sexuality, style, what sports you want to play, college choices, etc. You have our support 100% through all the ups and downs that may follow.
2. You will ALWAYS know your worth. There will be countless heartbreaks, whether it is friendships, relationships, family, etc. You will start to wonder what you did wrong, what is wrong with you, why did they leave you. I am here to tell you; you are not the problem. Some people just don’t click. And that’s okay. But I will never let you think less of yourself, because I know for a fact you are going to be an outstanding woman.
3. I will always be your number one fan. You need to go on a night cruise because you think your boyfriend is cheating on you and you want to stock his house? Let me get out of bed and grab my shoes. You need a night in with just us and a Hallmark movie? Let me grab a blanket and the popcorn. I am always going to have your back regardless of the situation. I will always see things through.
And last, but not the least
4. If you ever start to wonder or ask about your biological dad, I promise to always be honest with you. I will tell you everything you want to know, the good and the bad. Though I may not like the choice, I will do what is best for you. The answers may hurt, and the outcome may not go as planned. But when that day comes, because I know it will no matter how hard I try to forget, I will be honest and supportive of your decisions.
You are still a baby. You can’t even say a full sentence yet. But I am making these promises now, because I do not want you to go through what I have had to go through in the past 2 years. I do not want you to go through the same hell I have been through. It’s you and me baby girl.
Taylor Quigley
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