Step-parents Choose Love
Step-parents choose love and never step down. They not only love your parent and accepted you, they cared for you as their own. It’s not a job they take lightly. And they strove to set a good example and show you what love should look like. They may not have been perfect, but they worked hard so you didn’t suffer.
But they understood their role in your life and didn’t overstep their boundaries.
And they didn’t give up when things get tough and I assure you, whether you recognized it or not, things did get tough.
So your step-parent cried when you told them you hated them. They were hurt when you didn’t listen or disrespected them but they never stopped loving you. Step-parents choose love.
And you may have thought that they hated you at times, but they didn’t. They never gave up, even when the weight of the world was on their shoulders.
But hey endured sleepless nights when you were sick and took time off from work to care for you.
And they spent their hard-earned money on clothing you and making sure you always had a roof over your head and a hot meal.
Moreover, they weren’t there to ruin your life, even if it felt like they were at the time.
So you’ll never know how much it meant to them when they heard you say “I love you” for the first time or how much they missed you when you weren’t at their home.
Because they gave up so much of their time for you because you were worth it to them.
They wanted the best for you, even if that meant putting your needs before their own.
And they supported you at every turn. Step-parents choose love.
While they never had to be there for you, but they chose to be.
Your stepparent deserves a thank you because they gave their heart to you, someone they weren’t obligated to care for, and that’s the epitome of love.
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