Mommying ain’t easy. That seems to be a catchy little saying that we often see on sweatpants, hoodies, t-shirts and even coffee mugs. It is also a very real saying and we often wear so many hats on a regular basis that often times we forget that we are, in fact, human and have needs just like everyone else.
I don’t know about you but on a daily basis, I am not just Mom. Just some of the hats I wear every day are a chef, maid, nurse, therapist, taxi, and tutor just to name a few. We forget, though, that one of the hats we need to put on is the one that says “me” on it.
We get so busy being everything and everywhere that we don’t realize that taking time for ourselves is just as important as giving to our children and doing for our family. So today, take all those hats and set them to the side for a few hours and put your me hat on and just take time for you.
“Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup”
Below are 20 things you can do to take time for you today. Don’t stress over it, just pick one and do it.
1. Make a list of all the things you love to do but haven’t lately, then GO DO THEM!
2. Journal (writer or not sometimes journaling will clear the mental cobwebs from your mind)
3. Take a long bubble bath. Go all out; oils, candles, music.
4. Try a new workout.
5. Grab a coffee with a friend or grab a coffee and read a book.
6. Go for a walk with a friend.
7. Get a grown-up coloring book and color.
8. Watch a movie, of your choosing.
9. Unplug, turn off all phones, computers, tablets and take a nap.
10. Take yourself on a date. I never realized how nice it was to just sit and eat alone. The silence is actually very therapeutic.
11. Go shopping (even if its just window shopping).
12. Get a manicure or pedicure or both. Spoil yourself a little.
13. Watch the sunset.
14. Be a tourist in a neighboring town.
15. Drink wine….. The entire bottle.
16. Go to a free concert or museum.
17. Buy a cake… Then eat it!
18. Get your hair cut and styled.
19. Go for a drive with no destination in mind.
P.S. Yes, you have to come back.
20. Turn the music up and get lost in it.
I know how hard it is to take time for you but I also know how important it is. We, at times, put ourselves on the back burner. Make sure that you don’t forget that you have to take care of you too.
By the way, men if you are reading this sometimes you will have to help her put on her “me” hat. It isn’t easy for us to put ourselves first but it so necessary. She will thank you later. Trust me.