Your Heart Is Guarded
You’ve come to that scary place where you look at your heart and find it frozen behind a set of bars.
You locked it up to protect yourself from suffering any further heartbreak and abandonment, but you can’t help but look at that ice, hoping that it’ll one day melt away and give you the freedom to love again.
Here are 25 Things To Remember As Your Sweet Heart Thaws…
1. There comes a time when you have to dig up the heart you’ve kept buried…
2. Because it needs a chance to air out.
3. Life doesn’t begin when you find love, it begins right now.
4. Because if you spend too much time dreaming of a better tomorrow, you’ll miss the best of today.
5. Give yourself time to grieve over the painful memories.
6. Because they’re the bars that imprison your heart.
7. There’s no shame in purging the pain through tears and anger.
8. In fact, there’s freedom in being comfortable with who you are…
9. And boldness in doing so without apologizing.