It’s almost like she can see into the future. Or she’s just a genius. You didn’t always appreciate her wisdom at the time, but your mom ended up being right about EVERYTHING…
1. “He’s not the one.”
With these words, she got that silly idea out of your head. She witnessed you crying day after day over a relationship that drained you of your magic. She knew you had better people in store for the future.
2. “You teach people how to treat you.”
If you let people walk all over you, they will. When you felt like a victim, she reminded you that you weren’t powerless.
3. “They don’t like you because they’re just jealous of you.”
Okay, so no way to verify it, but you’ll take it. When the mean girls were unexplainably cruel to you? Your mom had the best explanation for why.
4. “Have fun tonight! But not too much fun.”
When you were going to that big party, she was all for you having a good time. But she also cares enough to remind you not to act recklessly…
5. “If you can’t do anything about it, let it go.”
You were face to face with problems that were completely out of your control, yet you were desperately trying to fix things. She reminded you that if there’s nothing you can do to fix something, it’s okay to let go and move on.
6. “That person is not your friend.”
She saw right through it when someone wasn’t really on your side. You had innocent, rosy-glasses to that person’s cruel intentions, but she reminded you to be wisely cautious before it got worse.
7. “Put yourself first.”
When you were having a hard time balancing work, friends, and relationships, she reminded you to not feel guilty. She reminded you that no one will be as impacted by your decisions as you, so make the ones you can live with.
8. “You’re complaining to the wrong person.”
She wouldn’t let you sit around and complain all day; she taught you to speak up and share your real concerns directly with the person (boss, friend, significant other). Then you were almost surprised at how quickly the problem was resolved.
9. “It wasn’t meant to be. Something else is.”
After a huge letdown, she told you how everything had happened for a reason. The place you had to leave, the person you wouldn’t see anymore, the time you had to start all, yet again: she reminded you it was not a sad end, but a new beginning.
10. “Smell the roses.”
When life got really fast, you got caught in the chaos. But she reminded you to enjoy yourself. It made you stop to appreciate the little things you take for granted, not to mention feeling thankful for her company…and her wisdom.